热狗之类的经典食物, 从农场到餐桌的披萨选择, like the garden salads with ingredients picked from just beyond centerfield, 甲骨文公园有很多美味的食物可供选择.


从球场经典到时尚产品, Oracle Park dining options are just like San Francisco: endlessly innovative and delicious.

“热狗! 把你的热狗拿过来!我们都在棒球场听过这句名言. 而传统的棒球场食物很容易在甲骨文公园, 还有很多意想不到的事情, 当地的, 还有美味的选择. 从地中海美食到素食选择, 你会找到适合每种调色板的东西. 这里有一个大致的票价来挑逗你的味蕾.

请注意: 并非这里列出的每个供应商都可能在每场主场比赛中开放.


不管这是你的第一次, 第三, 或者第十次去甲骨文公园, you'll want to make a trip to the culinary garden behind the center field wall. There are two bistros located in 花园 that proudly serve healthy 食物 options that use ingredients grown on-site. 除了它的健康食品体验, 花园是甲骨文公园社区活动的独特平台, where kids can engage in cooking classes and learn more about sustainability and nutrition.


In addition to seasonal salads inspired by what’s growing in the Garden, a soft-serve ice cream option offering fresh fruit and herbs for toppings will be served at the 花园表. 一定要尝尝他们的“不可思议的辣椒”,“一种不可能的植物性肉类混合物”,“豆, 香料, 切达干酪, 还有酸奶油, 或者是植物性玉米片. They also serve an excellent veggie dog, topped with tomato, roasted red pepper chutney, and arugula. 来一杯贝博体彩app最经典的咖啡——爱尔兰咖啡来暖身.


The 炉表 offers assorted salads and gluten-free flatbreads with seasonal vegetables and toppings, 所有都是为您量身定制的,让您享受无愧于心的用餐选择. 



来自萨克拉门托附近, 伯吉斯兄弟烧烤店 offers meat-lovers some delicious slider options: pulled pork 或胸肉 with mac and cheese. 他们还会为你提供下一种甜点:华夫饼. These tiny waffles are tossed in cinnamon sugar and topped with a drizzle of chocolate sauce.


All hot dogs and sausages are served unwrapped and open-faced in a paper boat at the Derby烧烤, 也是不可能汉堡的故乡, 一个多汁的, 吃起来像牛肉的植物汉堡. 我们承诺!

Da Poke-Man

你听说过Da - Poke-Man吗? 好吧,这是你了解热门话题的好机会. Head over to Section 112 to indulge in their Spicy Ahi Tuna Poke with tortilla chips and Ahi Tuna Poke over mixed greens or rice.


A Bay Area favorite, Lumpia公司 has a ballpark presence at Section 116. 试试上海风味的肉块肉, 虾丁, 胡萝卜, and water chestnuts; a vegan option with kale, 土豆, and roasted mushrooms; and a bacon cheeseburger lumpia stuffed with beef, 烟熏培根, 切达干酪, 和洋葱. 别忘了尝尝紫山药软饮!


This Irish pub-themed booth serves everything you need for a baseball game, from brews to bites. New for the season are crab fries: waffle-cut 法国 fries perfectly seasoned and topped with fresh Dungeness crab meat and a garlic-lemon aioli.


你会在有机政变中找到大量的健康选择, 这家餐厅以鸡肉卷和三明治的丰富菜单而闻名. Garlic tots and acai bowls are some of the recent additions to the menu.

Dri Dri冰淇淋

Dri Dri冰淇淋是纯天然的, GMO-free Italian ingredients to produce an authentic gelato that's also dairy free. Try one (or all) of their many signature flavors like cherry, tiramisu, pistachio, and many more.


Two locations in Oracle Park at the Promenade and View levels offer Dippin’ Dots ice cream. 这些口味包括饼干和奶油、彩虹冰和香蕉饼干.


Take home a Giants souvenir-style helmet with an order of Garlic Fries Forever, 或者试试麦考维烧烤店的排骨鸡拼盘. Other menu items include pulled pork, smoked brisket, and hot link sandwiches.



Visiting Oracle Park wouldn't be a complete San Francisco experience without clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl. 不过,你在这里的菜单上还能找到更多. Their Fried Shrimp Po'Boy with remoulade, shredded lettuce, and tomato is a must-try.


视场等级是科罗娜海滩酒吧的所在地, 用集装箱建造,供应科罗娜和玉米片.


Find your Mediterranean favorites at 皮塔饼陀螺仪, available at Section 317. Among their tasty top-sellers are the falafel pita, lamb and beef gyro, and baklava.


Traditional Argentinian empanadas and dulce de leche empanadas are the craze at 杰维的烹饪. Also worth trying are the alfajores, traditional Argentinian cookies sandwiched with dulce de leche. 哈维的烹饪可以在310区找到.



他们的“三重进攻”,"三份滑块,外加熏牛肉, 咸牛肉, 火鸡。, 或胸肉, 最终是否能取悦大众. 另一个让人垂涎欲滴的选择是牛腩三明治加果汁.


Look for the new Sky Bar, a full-service bar with a great view of the game.


A new fan favorite are the cinnamon-sugar nachos with house-made caramel from the Snack Stand. 墨西哥卷饼碗的选择范围从碎牛肉到燕麦鸡. 一定要尝尝他们的米兰圣潘乔(Milanese de San Pancho),一种炸鸡煎饼.


香甜可口的鱼肉玉米饼是the Cove餐厅的招牌菜. How could you say no to beer-battered fish tacos topped with pineapple slaw?


选择一个培根包裹的热狗,或者在狗屋自己做一个. 说到配料,你的选择几乎是无穷无尽的. 从甜椒到甜椒,再到慢烤猪肉和豆类, 狗屋真的什么都有.


除了刚采摘的新鲜食物和温暖的自制汤, 农贸市场摊位 offers craft beers and craft cocktails on draft. 


Club Level ticket holders can enjoy some out-of-this-world grilled cheese creations. 试试三种奶酪的冰激凌, 意大利马苏里拉奶酪, 哈瓦蒂干酪, 和火腿), 或Garden melt(布里干酪和杏蜜饯). 美味的番茄汤也可以作为配菜.



这个赛季一定要空着肚子来甲骨文公园. 你不会想错过这食物的!


Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and The Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in San Francisco with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.